Posted in: Switches

Why Clicky Switches Not Feel Clicky?

Last Updated on November 24, 2023

Clicky switches are a popular choice among keyboard enthusiasts for their tactile feedback and satisfying click sound. However, sometimes these switches may not feel as clicky as expected. In this article, we will explore the possible reasons behind this issue and provide solutions to help you restore the desired clickiness to your keyboard.

Understanding the Clicky Switch

Understanding the Clicky Switch

Before we dive into the potential issues causing your clicky switches to lose their spark, let’s take a moment to appreciate the allure of these switches. Clicky switches are cherished for their distinct tactile feedback and an audible “click” sound that accompanies each keystroke. This sensory experience can elevate your typing, making it more engaging and even therapeutic. The loss of this satisfying sensation can truly leave a void in your typing routine.

Why Clicky Switches Not Feel Clicky?

When your clicky switches aren’t living up to their name, it’s crucial to diagnose the issue accurately. There can be various reasons behind the diminishing clickiness, and understanding the root cause is essential for effective troubleshooting. Here are some common culprits:

1. Dust and Debris Buildup

Much like any mechanical component, clicky switches can fall victim to dust and debris accumulation. Over time, these minuscule particles can find their way into the switch mechanism, hindering its movement and causing a reduction in clickiness. The result? Your once-satisfying typing experience becomes lackluster and unsatisfactory.

2. Stiffness over Time

As you spend countless hours typing away, your switches might experience wear and tear. The springs within the switches can lose their elasticity, leading to increased stiffness. This stiffness not only affects the tactile feedback but can also result in a less pronounced click sound.

3. Lubrication Loss

Proper lubrication is crucial for the smooth operation of mechanical switches. Over time, the lubricant can wear off or dry up, causing friction and negatively impacting the clickiness. Without the right amount of lubrication, your switches may lose their signature tactile feel.

4. Actuation Point Drift

The actuation point is the distance a key must be pressed before a keystroke is registered. Over extended use, this actuation point might drift from its original setting, leading to a diminished clicky feel. Restoring the actuation point to its optimal position can revive the clickiness you crave.

Reviving the Clickiness: Solutions at Your Fingertips

Now that we’ve identified the potential culprits, let’s explore a variety of solutions to breathe new life into your clicky switches:

1. Cleaning the Switch: A Simple and Effective Remedy

Gather Your Cleaning Arsenal

To embark on your journey to restoring clickiness, you’ll need a few tools at your disposal:

  • Compressed Air: This mighty tool is your first line of defense against dust and debris.
  • Isopropyl Alcohol: A gentle yet effective solvent for dissolving grime and gunk.
  • Soft Brush or Swab: Ideal for delicate cleaning maneuvers.
  • Lint-Free Cloth: Perfect for wiping down surfaces.

The Cleaning Process Unveiled

  1. Preparation: If your keyboard allows, gently remove the keycaps to reveal the switches underneath. This will grant you access to the heart of the issue.
  2. Blast Away Debris: Armed with compressed air, direct short bursts into the switch housing. The goal is to dislodge and expel any lingering dust particles.
  3. Introduce Isopropyl Alcohol: Dampen a soft brush or swab with isopropyl alcohol. Carefully brush or swipe the switch components to dissolve and remove any stubborn grime.
  4. Finishing Touches: Employ a lint-free cloth to give your switches a final wipe-down. Ensure all components are thoroughly dry before reassembling.

2. Switch Replacement: When All Else Fails

Compatibility is Key

If the lackluster clickiness persists despite your valiant cleaning efforts, it might be time to consider a switch replacement. However, this endeavor requires careful consideration:

  • Research Thoroughly: Ensure the replacement switch is compatible with your keyboard’s make and model. Consult user forums, guides, or professionals to make an informed choice.
  • Guided Replacement: If you’re feeling confident, you can find step-by-step tutorials online that will guide you through the switch replacement process.

3. Lubrication: A Path to Enhanced Clickiness

Selecting the Right Lubricant

Restoring the clickiness of your switches might involve a delicate process of lubrication. Here’s how to do it right:

  1. Silicone Lubricant: Opt for a silicone-based lubricant that is safe for electronics. This type of lubricant offers the ideal balance between reducing friction and maintaining smooth movement.
  2. Application Precision: Disassemble your keyboard if necessary, exposing the switches. Apply a minute amount of lubricant to the moving parts of the switch. Exercise caution to avoid over-lubrication.
  3. Testing and Reassembly: Actuate the switch multiple times to distribute the lubricant evenly. Once you’ve achieved the desired clickiness, carefully reassemble your keyboard.

4. Fine-Tuning Actuation Point for Utmost Satisfaction

Mastering Actuation Point Adjustment

Some keyboards grant you the power to adjust the actuation point, allowing you to customize the clickiness according to your preference:

  1. Locate Actuation Point Settings: Consult your keyboard’s user manual or manufacturer’s website to identify if it offers actuation point adjustment.
  2. Experimentation Time: Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to tweak the actuation point settings. Experiment with different levels to find the one that rekindles the clicky magic.
  3. Revel in Revived Clickiness: Once you’ve fine-tuned the actuation point, relish the revitalized satisfaction as each keystroke emanates that cherished click.


What exactly causes clicky switches to lose their clickiness?

Several factors can contribute to the gradual loss of clickiness in mechanical switches. Dust and debris accumulation, wear and tear over time, inadequate lubrication, and even actuation point drift can collectively lead to a diminished tactile feedback.

Is it possible to prevent clicky switches from losing their clickiness?

While wear and tear are inevitable, regular maintenance can significantly extend the lifespan of your clicky switches. Cleaning your keyboard periodically, applying appropriate lubrication, and being mindful of actuation point settings can help preserve their clickiness over the long term.

Can I use any lubricant for restoring the clickiness of my switches?

It’s essential to choose a silicone-based lubricant that is specifically designed for electronics. Using the wrong type of lubricant can potentially damage your switches or cause unwanted stickiness, so be sure to select the right product.

Will adjusting the actuation point affect the overall performance of my keyboard?

Adjusting the actuation point allows for a personalized typing experience, but extreme adjustments might impact typing accuracy. It’s recommended to make gradual changes and test them thoroughly to find the optimal balance between clickiness and functionality.

I’ve cleaned my switches, but they’re still not clicky. What should I do?

If cleaning hasn’t restored the desired clickiness, consider lubricating the switches or exploring the option of switch replacement. Over time, internal components can wear down, and lubrication might be necessary to regain the original feel.

Can I replace just one switch, or do I need to replace the entire keyboard?

In most cases, you can replace individual switches rather than the entire keyboard. However, ensure that the replacement switch is compatible with your keyboard’s make and model to avoid compatibility issues.

Are there any professional services that can help restore the clickiness of my switches?

Yes, there are specialized keyboard repair and customization services that can help diagnose and address clickiness issues. These professionals have the expertise to perform intricate repairs, replacements, and modifications.

Will restoring clickiness void my keyboard’s warranty?

Modifying or opening your keyboard might void the manufacturer’s warranty. Before attempting any repairs or modifications, check your warranty terms and consider the potential impact on warranty coverage.

How often should I clean or lubricate my switches to maintain clickiness?

The frequency of cleaning and lubrication depends on your usage and environment. As a general guideline, consider cleaning your keyboard and applying lubricant every 6 to 12 months, or as needed based on the clickiness you experience.

Can I customize the clickiness level of my switches to match my preference?

Yes, some mechanical keyboards offer switch variants with different levels of clickiness. You can explore different switch options before purchasing a keyboard to find the clickiness level that suits your typing style.

The Verdict: Clickiness Reclaimed

In the grand tapestry of your typing journey, the mystery of “The clicky switches are not clicky” can indeed be unraveled. Armed with knowledge and armed with practical solutions, you have the tools to restore your keyboard’s clicky glory. From cleaning to lubrication, and even contemplating switch replacement, the path to clickiness reclamation is yours to navigate.

As you embark on this quest, remember that patience and precision are your allies. If you encounter challenges beyond your comfort zone, don’t hesitate to seek assistance from professionals or fellow enthusiasts. Your keyboard, once on the brink of losing its clicky essence, will thank you with every resounding keystroke.

So, fear not the fading click; face it head-on with the arsenal of insights we’ve shared. Embrace the journey of rediscovering the joy of clicky switches – that captivating symphony of tactile feedback and audible delight. Happy typing, and may your clicks echo with the satisfaction of a challenge conquered and a sensation restored.

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